The Hey Ryan Podcast Show is hosted by Ryan Allen. A lifestyle show dedicated to men, anxiety and the conversation as a self-improvement brand on the podcast platform. Ryan is the founder of the show and executive producer who collaborates with a small team of media professionals to bring the brand to life.
Ryan is also the founder of The Brand Thinker boutique design agency, which brought the concept of a podcast to the team to brainstorm, although he already had a clear idea of the brand and name. The name relates to a conversation starter 'Hey Ryan,' which supported the brand focus and objectives. The colour palette should be bright, colourful but also have a super feel to it, and the stylisation to translate well from podcast to television.
The brands look and feel across social media needed to stand out, and be easily recognisable as Ryan's Show with his personality. All the social media posts were designed to support the brand consistency to suit the different assets from website design to advertising guests on the show. Our recent addition is the MATC Conference ad 'You Are Stronger Open.'

Primary Brand

Primary Brand